Secrets with Docker and BuildKit (with NPM)

Posted Tuesday, April 6, 2021.

Here is how to use secrets in Docker BuildKit for an NPM project with private dependencies

Docker with Private NPM Dependencies

Posted Saturday, January 9, 2021.

There are a couple extra steps needed to build docker containers that have a dependency in a private repo. Here is how I've done it.

Private NPM packages on GitHub

Posted Thursday, January 7, 2021.

Here is how you can host private NPM packages on GitHub, and get your application to find and pull them.

Creating a react-bootstrap Typescript Library

Posted Tuesday, January 5, 2021.

I was looking to make a React component library with the following requirements - react-bootstrap, Typescript, Sass, some sort of preview library, all from scratch and without ejecting from a CRA. I could not find a tutorial/documentation that fit all these requirements, so I put this together.